For America: “We choose to go to the Moon” . . .
President Kennedy spoke these words in regards to our Nation’s Space Effort. America landed a man on the Moon because of ‘government goals with private solutions’. This ‘American approach’ is needed again to evolve the struggling National Airspace System, NAS. An evolution that will grow the American GDP by trillions of dollars and trigger a huge economic boost for the world.
The NAS has evolved in the past so why is it struggling?
The FAA’s 2004 Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) plan to modernize the NAS is based on an operational model of ‘Observation and Control’. Air Traffic Control using radios, RADAR and data to monitor and control aircraft, one controlling many. In the past the FAA evolved when new technology was added, such as with Radios and later RADAR. Unfortunately the FAA has not evolved the NAS with digital satellite communication systems.
This model worked for decades so why are things getting missed?
The NAS is near saturation because air traffic doubles roughly every 10 years. The present FAA NextGen approach is causing delays, higher costs, poorer service and growing incidents and accidents. FAA’s fall back position for system saturation is to revert to the ‘Slot Administration’, a choice normally reserved for bad weather. The NextGen plan can’t handle air traffic growth and will soon make slot-based operations the norm, threatening economic growth. The present NextGen plan is unsustainable. The Global Air Transportation System is not any better since the FAA’s NextGen’s plan is ‘Harmonized’ with EuroControl’s ‘SESAR’. All of these government plans started in 2004 with rolling break-even points of 2017, 2025, and now 2035.
There is no 30-year government plan to fix anything.
If the government does not innovate, the NAS cannot evolve.
So how do we evolve?
Think about the internet and the way it connects everyone with everything. Interaction occurs by presence and makes the world local. To evolve the NAS, NextGen needs to move from the present FAA model of ‘Observation and Control’ to an advanced NAS of ‘Dynamic Observation and Presence’.
Dynamic Observation and Presence is a process where everyone involved with flight operations communicates with everyone and everything within the NAS. A dynamic integrated process where pilots, controllers, aircraft, airports and runways remain in constant communication based on their presence in the system.
I call this a ‘Smart System’.
A Smart System operates similar to the way the U.S. military runs air operations and thus requires new procedures, training and technology. An American Boon that will double the GDP for aviation and add trillions to the U.S. economy.
I speak of an evolution where ‘government goals and private solutions’ are driven by companies that exude classic American know-how such as SpaceX, Apple, Boeing, StarLink, and thousands of others.
To the Citizens and Representatives of Nebraska
Nebraska has the model Regional Airport to evolve the NAS
The Governor of Nebraska will lead the way…
Historically, when individual states came up with new ideas they spread. The Governor and Great State of Nebraska can make history… Nebraska can take the lead in spearheading a project to evolve the National Airspace System, (NAS). Nebraska will launch the first ‘Smart Regional Airport’. The State of Nebraska will join with several other states to evolve the NAS and the Global Air Transportation System, GATS.
The Federal Government is searching for solutions
The FAA, in 2003, began working on an aviation project to modernize the NAS called the ‘Next Generation Air transportation System’, NextGen. Currently this plan is struggling as evidenced by changing break-even points of 2017, 2025 and now 2035. The reason is simple, while the FAA added modern satellite communication systems to the NAS, they did not evolve with the ‘new technology’ as they have in the past (like with radios and then RADAR). The FAA has been in the ‘Observation and Control ‘ mode for so long they can only view the NAS one way. This myopic view of the NAS limits air traffic growth, increases fares while decreasing service, safety, security and profits. The FAA’s NextGen approach is ineffective, unsafe and cannot sustain the future growth of US air traffic. The US government has poured billions of dollars into fixing the NAS with meager results. Still the government continues to search for solutions…
Nebraska becomes an epicenter of huge economic expansion
The modernization of NAS requires a ‘goal-oriented’ approach like what America did when we landed a man on the moon. Nebraskan’s have the know-how to lead the redirection of NextGen, affecting all Americans. Plus, the European Union will follow since they're pursuing a ‘NextGen Harmonized’ GATS solution called ‘SESAR’. Nebraska’s know-how will cause International businesses to come to learn how it’s done. Nebraska will become an epicenter for national and International economic expansion, adding trillions of dollars to American GDP and billions to Nebraska’s GDP.
Omaha’s Eppley Airport has all the stakeholders and system requirements
A ‘Smart Aviation System’ evolves the NextGen NAS plan by integrating pilots, controllers, aircraft, airports, airspace and commercial business into one entity. Developing a Smart System requires ‘Smart Airports and Air Space’, both regional and national. This concurrent solution also requires the presence of all the stakeholders and the air & ground space to grow. Nebraska’s Omaha’s Eppley Airport has all the stakeholders and system requirements.
A consumer-driven NAS
Smart Airport design integrates new commercial business ventures with both online and the ‘new version’ of traditional ‘brick and mortar businesses’. The ‘Smart Airport experience’ begins when passengers purchases tickets online, a consumer-driven NAS.
The States of Texas, Georgia and Florida are needed to evolve the NAS
To the Governors,
The State of Texas, Georgia and Florida have the opportunity to participate in spearheading a project to evolve the National Airspace System, NAS. These three states are key to launching the first American ‘Smart International Airports’. Texas, Georgia and Florida will join other states to evolve the NAS and the Global Air Transportation System, GATS.
The Federal Government is searching for solutions
The FAA, in 2003, began working on an aviation project to modernize the NAS called the ‘Next Generation Air Transportation System’, NextGen. Currently this plan is struggling as evidenced by changing break-even points of 2017, 2025 and now 2035. The reason is simple, while the FAA added modern satellite communication systems to the NAS, they did not evolve with the ‘new technology’ as they have in the past (like with radios and then RADAR). The FAA has been in the ‘Observation and Control ‘ mode for so long they can only view the NAS one way. This myopic view of the NAS limits air traffic growth, increases fares while decreasing service, safety, security and profits. The FAA’s NextGen approach is ineffective, unsafe and cannot sustain the future growth of US air traffic. The US government has poured billions of dollars into fixing the NAS with meager results. Still the government continues to search for solutions…
Texas, Georgia and Florida will cause a huge economic expansion
The modernization of NAS requires a ‘goal-oriented’ approach similar to what America did when we landed a man on the moon. Texas, Georgia and Florida will join with other States and lead the redirection of NextGen, affecting all Americans. Plus, the European Union will follow since they are pursuing a ‘NextGen Harmonized’ GATS solution called ‘SESAR’. This collaboration will cause new International businesses to come to Texas, Georgia, Florida and others to learn how it’s done. Texas, Georgia and Florida will become epicenters for national and International economic expansion, adding trillions of dollars to American GDP and billions to Texas, Georgia and Florida’s GDP.
DFW, IAH, ATL & MIA airports have all the stakeholders & system requirements
A ‘Smart Aviation System’ evolves the NAS program by integrating pilots, controllers, aircraft, airports, airspace and commercial business into one entity. Developing a Smart System requires international airports. This concurrent solution also requires the presence of all the stakeholders and the air & ground space to grow. Texas, Georgia and Florida have all of these requirements. Additional these airports have daily interaction with South American airports which are integral to evolving the GATS.
A consumer-driven NAS
Smart Airport design integrates new commercial business ventures with both online and the ‘new version’ of traditional ‘brick and mortar businesses’. The ‘Smart Airport experience’ begins when passengers purchases tickets online, a consumer-driven NAS.
Argentina has all the elements to evolve global air transportation…
Investing in Argentina’s NAS will evolve the GATS
Argentina has the opportunity to participate in evolving the Global Air Transportation Systems, (GATS) and in the process evolve Argentina’s National Airspace System, NAS. Argentinas new leadership makes it the ‘South American country of choice’ to invest in and evolve the GATS.
Things are getting missed
In 2004 the Federal Aviation Administration, (FAA) began working on a global project to modernize the U.S. NAS called the ‘Next Generation Air Transportation System’, NextGen. Europe joined them with their version called the Single European Sky Air Transportation Management Research, SESAR. These two systems are ’Harmonized’ and unfortunately, stalled at the limits of their present design. There is a simple reason; they have not evolved as they have in the past with the new modern digital communication systems. The FAA and EuroControl only think and operate in terms of ‘Observation and Control’: Radios and RADAR… with one controlling many. The present system design is reaching saturation because air traffic growth doubles about every ten years. Things are getting missed.
A paradigm shift solving all of NextGen & SESAR’s problems
The process of evolving a modern GATS requires established NAS to integrate with other countries and ability to grow those systems concurrently. The Next Generation Systems require dynamic interaction in airspace, aircraft, airports, aircrews and air traffic controllers. Today’s technology supports a new system designed around ‘Dynamic Observation and Presence’. This means everyone in the air operation is connected with everyone and everything. Simply put: an integration of pilots, controllers, aircraft and airports into one real time ‘Smart System’. This new approach requires new procedures, training, technology and the room to grow. A paradigm shift solving all the problems present in the GATS today.
Argentina’s Leadership is Required to Evolve the GATS.
This new approach requires South American Airspace for several reasons. Starting with the direct connection between major South American, North American, European and Asian cities. This connection of ‘Smart Airport Pairs in a Smart System’ means the required large modern equipment and highly experienced crews are already in your airspace. More importantly is the ability of Argentina to now adapt your airspace to the Smart System. Argentina’s leadership is required to allow concurrent adaptations and changes in the GATS.
Argentina will stimulate huge economic growth
The result will evolve not only Argentina’s NAS concurrently but the entire GATS. This paradigm shift will marry all NAS with modern digital communication systems. Whole new markets will appear; the kind of markets which stimulates economic growth and eliminates inflation.
Argentina will lead the South American economic revival
Finally, Your unique connection with the next American President will get past the bureaucrats. Having Argentina work with America on this approach will lead to huge economic growth for both countries. In edition, Argentina’s lead will cause the rest of South America to join in and evolve their NAS.
A little history on air travel and how we got here. . . .
In the early days of aviation pilots would file a ‘communications out’ flight plan describing their route and time of arrival, still part of the process today. Later, radios were added along with Air Traffic Control (ATC) and the system evolved. So, pilots would file a flight plan, make position reports and these procedures allowed more aircraft in the same airspace using ATC to safely separate them. The National Airspace System, (NAS) was forming.
Aircraft where separated and moving safely
Next came ‘RADAR’ and the NAS evolved again. ATC began to observe and control air traffic on raw RADAR scopes. Today’s ‘scopes’ are sophisticated, full of aircraft on lines moving across the ATC scope. ATC uses this method to keep aircraft separated and moving safely.
Massive delays costing billions of dollars
U.S. Air traffic doubles about every ten years, constantly filling the ATC scopes. Now add in changing weather conditions at airports and in airspace. The result is the ATC scopes are reaching capacity early and often. When this happens the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) restricts flights by resorting to the ‘Slot Administration’. For decades this method of ATC has become a mind set. Natural growth in the NAS is resulting in huge delays costing $billions.
The ATC scope is crowded not the airspace
The FAA went to Congress in 2003 with this problem and developed a plan called the ‘Next Generation Air Transportation System’ (NextGen). New Satellite technology is part of NextGen but ATC operates the NAS as if everyone is ‘communication-out…’ The NAS did not evolve with the new technology. The ATC scope is still crowded but not the airspace.
Transition the NAS to ‘Dynamic Observation and Presence’
The operational potential of the NAS will increase when the system evolves with todays modern satellite digital communication technology. To understand, think how you use a Smart Phone and the related interactions… Now notch it up to a communication system like the military uses like ‘Link16’. What is Link16? Answer; ‘…standardized communications system between network participants providing multiple, simultaneous communication paths through different nets’… FAA needs to move beyond ‘Observation and Control’. The integration of this kind of communication technology requires new procedures and training for pilots and controllers… This new process will transition the NAS to ‘Dynamic Observation and Presence’.
Whole new markets will emerge driven by the passengers
Dynamic Observation and Presence is a system which integrates pilots, controllers, aircraft and airports. It’s an integrated, comprehensive technological approach called a ‘Smart System’. The Smart System integrates newly trained pilots and controllers with a higher level of interaction and operations with the new ‘Smart Aircraft’ and ‘Smart Airports’. This level of sophisticated interaction eliminates over-crowded ATC scopes. This system also places the passenger at the top of the competitive service chain driving NAS growth while maximizing profits and service. This system lowers ticket prices and operational costs while increasing safety and security. Whole new markets will emerge driven by the passengers.
Unlimited growth in the NAS
This evolution of the NAS will spread throughout the world adding trillions of dollars of growth to the US economy. This Smart Airport evolution will transform the NAS and introduce a new version of ‘Smart Roads’… Smart Airports are the building blocks of a Smart System, they will unite global transportation systems and cause unimaginable levels of growth in GDP.
MyCaptain LLC.
A paradigm shift creating new and expanding businesses and markets in:
Nationwide - Global - All Regional /National Airports
Air Carriers
Military - Commercial - Business - General Aviation
Aviation Support Industries
Military - Commercial
Passengers and Packages
New Applications - Operational Requirements
NextGen & SESAR
All government and private NextGen listed ‘stakeholders’… seen below
The following is an abridged list of business who’s revenue will grow:
Air Carriers. Airlines and their associated business partners that extend into other industries including but not limited to automobile and hotel rentals, vacation destinations, event planners, sport teams affiliates, and more.
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). Businesses involved with Smart Controllers engaged in providing air traffic management (ATM), air traffic control services that provide safe and efficient flight operations. Businesses providing equipment for communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS). Businesses involved in facility planning, investment, and the implementation of procedural development and training. Businesses with ongoing operation and maintenance systems that provide seamless. CNS/ATM services and ANSP personnel and automation.
Airport Communities. Businesses concerned with new Smart Airport operation and design, airport operators, and private aircraft ownership. Businesses responsible for enabling passenger, flight, and cargo operation with consideration for safety, efficiency, resource limitations and environmental issues.
Airport Tenants. Businesses with services such as fueling and maintenance services, catering services, retail sales and others in and around airports.
Artificial Intelligence. Businesses involved with all aspects of integrating AI.
Capital Investment Groups. Businesses involved with investing in local and national
Communication Systems. Businesses involved with all forms of modern communication systems. Businesses involved in the Electronics industry.
Customers. Businesses, individuals, and organizations engaged in the transportation of both passenger, cargo, and ancillary operations.
Crypto Currency. Businesses interested in Block Chain and Server Farms.
Education. Businesses involved with aviation education programs.
Flight Operators. Businesses responsible for planning and operating a flight within Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and the Single European Sky Air traffic control Research consortium (SESAR & EuroControl). Such businesses include Smart Flight Crews and all Flight Operation Centers (FOC) and personnel to include commercial aviation, commercial organizations, and government and military organizations.
Government. Organizations who coordinate business operations for civil, commercial, and military aviation in both standard and emergency situations.
Ground Transportation. Businesses, individuals and organizations engaged in autonomous and automata flight, along with the ground transportation of passengers/cargo and ancillary operations. Businesses in the automobile industry involving Smart Automobiles and Roads.
Information Technology Services. Business services providing generic technical functions such as data transformation, data logging, and identification management.
Internet Based Services. Businesses who design applications and programs are for executing new information to the public.
Investment. Businesses investing in stable global aviation and underwriting infrastructure.
Manufacturers. Businesses who manufacture equipment for flight operators, ANSPs, security and defense providers. Includes the manufacture of airframes, aircraft engines, avionics, and other Smart Aircraft Systems and parts, as well as Decision Support Centers, (DSC) and all present, and new systems, used in NextGen and SESAR.
Military. Businesses and organizations responsible for interaction between the military, civilian aviation, and government organizations for military pilot staffing and retention.
Nuclear Power Systems. All next generation systems and regulators.
Ocean services. Businesses and organizations involved with water navigation.
Owners. Businesses responsible for making investment decisions, operational execution, and equipment related to the development and implementation of NextGen and SESAR.
Regulatory Authorities. Businesses responsible for the overall performance of the aviation industry, including aviation safety, environmental effects and international trade. To include safety regulators, certification authorities, standardization organizations, environmental regulators and accident/incident authorities.
Researchers. Businesses engaged in conducting R&D activities supporting the evolution of the air transportation system. including academia and government organizations.
Retail and Wholesale Sales. Business in retail and wholesale sales.
Satellite Systems. Businesses engaged in global, Smart Aircraft to Aircraft, and Aircraft to Smart Ground Communications. Automotive Smart Communication Systems.
Security and Defense Providers. Businesses responsible for national and homeland defense, homeland security, law enforcement, information security and the physical and operational security of NextGen and SESAR.
Social and Business Networking. Businesses involved in making a professional and personal connection. Businesses involved with connecting people and the methods used to promote and advertise their business.
Technology. Businesses involved in modern personal technology systems and equipment.
Training. Businesses providing training, equipment, and facilities for commercial aviation.
University. Research into modern aviation and ground transportation systems.
Weather Service Providers. Businesses engaged in the provision of aviation weather
information products.
Weather Service Providers. Businesses engaged in providing weather information products.
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